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Circleator - Command Line Usage


This page covers the ins and outs of running Circleator on the command line. A web-based interface (“Ringmaster”) to Circleator is also under development and a prototype has been created but not yet released. The following topics are covered here:

Quick Start Guide

Assuming that a copy of Circleator has been installed as described in the Installation Guide, you will need at least the following two things in order to run the program successfully:

  1. Sequence and/or sequence annotation in a BioPerl-supported format (e.g., a GenBank flat file.)
  2. A Circleator configuration file that specifies how to plot this information.

We’ll start by using a GenBank flat file and a Circleator configuration file that are both included in the downloadable Circleator zip/tar file:

  1. data/CM000961.gbk, the GenBank WGS flat file for Corynebacterium genitalium ATCC 33030
  2. conf/genes-percentGC-GCskew-1.cfg, a predefined configuration file which plots annotated genes and a couple of graphs

Step 1: Run Circleator to create a figure in SVG format

Assuming that the main circleator program has been installed into /usr/local/bin, the following command (when run from the top level of the unpacked Circleator zip/tar file) will invoke Circleator using the two files mentioned above. Since Circleator produces output in SVG format we will direct the output to a file called “fig1.svg”:

/usr/local/bin/circleator --data=./data/CM000961.gbk --config=./conf/genes-percentGC-GCskew-1.cfg >fig1.svg

The output from a successful run should look something like this:

INFO - started drawing figure using ./conf/genes-percentGC-GCskew-1.cfg
INFO - reading from annot_file=./data/CM000961.gbk, seq_file=, with seqlen=
INFO - CM000961: 4590 feature(s) and 2349953 bp of sequence
INFO - read 1 contig(s) from 1 input annotation and/or sequence file(s)
INFO - finished drawing figure using ./conf/genes-percentGC-GCskew-1.cfg

Step 2: Convert the SVG file to PNG, PDF, or JPEG (optional)

SVG files can be viewed directly in many modern web browsers, or opened in image-manipulation programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, and The GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP).

However, different applications may vary in how well and/or extensively they implement the SVG specification, so it may sometimes be preferable to convert Circleator’s SVG output into a different format, such as PDF, PNG, or JPEG. A script included in the Circleator package uses the SVG rasterizer from the Apache Batik SVG Toolkit to do just this. To run the conversion script, simply specify the path to the input SVG file and the desired output format (either ‘pdf’, ‘png’, or ‘jpeg’), as in the following 3 commands:

/usr/local/bin/rasterize-svg fig1.svg pdf
/usr/local/bin/rasterize-svg fig1.svg png
/usr/local/bin/rasterize-svg fig1.svg jpeg

This is what our fig1.svg looks like after converting it to PNG format with rasterize-svg (and here’s a larger version showing greater detail):


The configuration file that we used in this example is composed entirely of predefined tracks By default Circleator plots the first track in the configuration file (coords in this example) on the outside of the circle and then places each successive track inside the previous one. Here is the entire configuration file, with comments (the lines that begin with #) added for clarity. See if you can match up each line of the configuration file with one of the concentric circles in the figure above:

# the outer circle with tick marks every 100kb and a coordinate label every 500kb:
# a small gap between the previous track and the next:
# all forward-strand gene features (in CM000961.gbk) drawn as black curved rectangles
# a very small gap between the previous track and the next:
# all reverse-strand gene features (in CM000961.gbk) drawn as black curved rectangles
# percent GC graph using nonoverlapping 5kb windows with range set to the observed min & max values.
# (dfa = display Difference From Average)
# GC-skew graph using nonoverlapping 5kb windows with range set to the observed min & max values.
# (df0 = display Difference From 0)

Command Line Options

For a full list of the command line options that the Circleator supports, invoke the tool with the --help option or use man circleator to view the manual page:

/usr/local/bin/circleator --help

Here are a few key options that may be useful in addition to the basic ones covered in the example above:

Configuration File

A Circleator figure is composed of several concentric rings, each of which depicts a specific subset or aspect of the data plotted against a circular reference coordinate system. The rings in the figure are called “tracks”, a term adopted from linear genome visualization tools. The Circleator configuration file, specified by the --config command line option, is a plain text file in which each line corresponds to a single track in the resulting figure. By default as the Circleator reads through the configuration file it places the first track on the very outside of the circle, with successive tracks occupying smaller and smaller inner rings until the available space is exhausted. There are a number of ways to obtain a Circleator configuration file, one of which is to simply use one of the predefined configuration files distributed with the software, as in our example above. Here is a more complete list of options to consider:

In terms of defining tracks within the configuration file there are also several options available:

For more information on writing and editing configuration files please see the detailed configuration file documentation.

Input Data

The Circleator is designed to address a variety of use cases, from displaying single circular microbial genomes to making figures for large multichromosomal eukaryotic genomes. There are several different ways to provide it with the sequence and/or annotation, but the basic choice to make is whether the reference coordinate system for the figure will be based on a single contiguous genome sequence (possibly containing some internal gaps of known lengths) or based on multiple contiguous genome sequences, separated by artificial gaps of arbitrary size:

Single Sequence

The simple example shown above uses the --data command line option to generate a figure for a single sequence entry. This handles the case where both the sequence and its associated annotation (assuming there is any) are both in the same file. Not all file formats support combining sequence and annotation in a single file, however. If the sequence and annotation are in separate files then they can be passed to the Circleator separately, using the --data and --sequence options. It is also possible to run the Circleator by giving it only an annotation input file and no sequence input file. In this case one restriction is that if the annotation file does not specify the length of the underlying sequence then it must be passed to Circleator explicitly with the --seqlen option.

Multiple Sequences

There are two ways to handle multiple input sequences: they can either be placed into a single BioPerl-supported sequence or annotation file or they can be kept in separate files. In the former case they are passed to the Circleator using the --data and/or --sequence options, just as in the single input sequence case. In the latter case the paths to the various input files must be placed into a tab-delimited flat file that is then passed to the Circleator’s --contig_list option:

Multiple sequences in one file

The simplest way to display multiple contigs with the Circleator is to use an input file (e.g., a GenBank flat file) that contains multiple sequence entries. The file is still passed to the Circleator with the --data option, but the Circleator will automatically concatenate all the sequences in the input file into a single pseudomolecule, placing a gap of size 20000 bp between each adjacent pair of sequences. The inserted gap size can be modified by using the --contig_gap_size option.

Multiple sequences in several files

If, on the other hand, you have multiple sequences split into several files then you can use the --contig_list option in place of the --data option. The --contig_list option expects to be given the path to a single tab-delimited file that lists one or more contig annotation and/or sequence files that should be joined into a single circular pseudomolecule. Each line of the tab-delimited file must contain the following 5 or 6 columns, some of which may be left empty:

  1. contig id - the name/id of the sequence (optional)
  2. display name - a distinct display name to be used for the contig in figures (optional)
  3. seqlen - the length of the contig in base pairs (optional)
  4. data file - a contig annotation file in any format accepted by --data
  5. sequence file - a contig sequence file in any format accepted by--sequence
  6. revcomp - placing the keyword “revcomp” in the optional 6th field indicates that the sequence/annotation should be reverse-complemented.

Note that if the --contig_list option is provided then the --data, --sequence, and --seqlen options will all be ignored.

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